Monitor your internet-facing ports.
Know your exposures.
Syntinul monitors your internet-facing ports, so you always know where your exposures are. Get notified whenever a new port is detected, and track historic changes with ease.
App screenshot
Always know where your exposures are.
Threat actors are always scanning the internet for potential targets. Know where your exposures are so you don't get caught by surprise. Execute port scans on your assets on a daily, weekly or monthly basis, according to your needs.
Get notified when new exposures are detected.
Attack surfaces change, and it's not always intentional. Receive notifications when new ports are detected so you can stay on top of these changes and limit any unwanted exposures.
Track historic exposures.
Keeping track of changes to your exposed ports gives you insight into your attack surface at a given point in time. View historic changes and determine which ports were exposed, and when.

Flexible plans based on your needs

Priced according to how many targets you want to monitor, and scan frequency. Every plan comes with a number of targets included at no extra cost.

Total Targets(including free targets)


£ 0/month
Buy Plan
  • Monthly scans
  • 1024 targets included for free
  • 1 year of data retention
  • 48-hour support response time


£ 0/month
Buy Plan
  • Weekly scans
  • 512 targets included for free
  • 2 years of data retention
  • 24-hour support response time


Best Coverage

£ 0/month
Buy Plan
  • Daily scans
  • 256 targets included for free
  • 3+ years of data retention
  • Priority support

About us

Syntinul was founded to help serve a fundamental need within cybersecurity: effective solutions that support organisations in meeting their cybersecurity goals and objectives. And while there are no shortages of solutions out there, many of them fail at the basics. It’s not uncommon to see organisations with huge budgets and the latest technologies falling victim to unsophisticated attacks that could have been avoided by paying more attention to the fundamentals. Our mission is to build the software and tools that help you do that. We don’t believe in buzzwords, fear-based marketing, or false promises of a silver bullet. Instead, we're committed to delivering practical, effective solutions to help solve real-world cybersecurity challenges, while being cost-efficient.

We built Syntinul to contribute towards this mission. Syntinul helps you monitor, track, and audit your organisations internet-facing ports. If we detect a change in your exposed ports, we alert you to this change. Otherwise, Syntinul is quietly operating behind the scenes without overloading your team with alerts and information.

Frequently asked questions